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People have been familiar with honey and honey products for several hundred years. They are extremely wholesome as they contain minerals (glucose, fructose, sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium) and group B and C vitamins. Honey helps to fight cold-related illnesses, anemia; it boosts immunity and strengthens bones and teeth. Despite its immense popularity, not everybody knows where this sweet product comes from. How exactly is honey produced?

"Musikhin. World of honey" - we only produce high quality and tasty product produced from natural ingredients


Honey harvesting

The source of honey is flower nectar which is cropped by honey-bees from special honey plants. The honey harvesting process is quite complex and interesting. At first, scout bees search for the flowers. After having collected the nectar with proboscis, they fly back to the beehive and inform the field bees about the type of nectar and its location. After this, the scout bees fly back to the flowers but this time together with field bees.

Under the influence of the honeybee's salivary glands enzymes the collected nectar will later turn into honey. For the time being, field bees collect the nectar and bring it to the beehive, where house bees are waiting for them. Their task is to take the nectar and process it (to evaporate the excessive moisture, provide acid reaction, decompose sucrose into simple sugars and seal the cells with wax caps). Honey harvest is collected only after honeycombs have been sealed for more than 90%. Only in this case the product is considered to be ripe. At the same time, it is important not to disturb bees before hibernation and to collect honey before the end of summer.

Honey extraction

Honey extractors – special equipment - are used to extract honey from honey combs. Frames with pre-cut caps on combs are inserted into them and rotated in one and then in another direction. As a result, honey is accumulated on the walls and then can be easily poured into jars.

Honey cream – characteristics and production peculiarities

Honey cream is standard honey which consists of crystals of up to 0.04 mm in size due to which the product has the consistency of butter while preserving all its beneficial honey characteristics.

The honey cream production technology has been known since 1928. It was first developed in Canada and gradually spread worldwide. In a couple of months after the extraction, normal honey crystallizes to a solid consistency. Its appearance and taste change as a result of that. Many people solve this problem by heating honey. Then it becomes liquid but loses many of its properties. However, if the extracted honey is regularly stirred up till the beginning of the crystallization process, very small crystals of up to 0.04 mm will be formed. Such product can be stored for many years.

Honey cream produced and sold by the "Musikhin. Mir Meda" Company does not contain any additives. It is an absolutely natural and delicious product, which is wholesome for your entire family!

Honey mousse is honey cream with additives

Honey mousse has the double health benefit! This dessert is based on the honey cream with various additives among which are cranberries, strawberries, sea buckthorns, tahini, ginger and green tea, carob beans, blueberries, cedar nuts and goji berries. It is important that honey, being the natural preservative, keeps not only the taste of additives, but also their health benefits. Thus mousse becomes twice as beneficial for your health as normal honey!